UVA Rotunda Charlottesville Engagement

Today we are sharing Stephanie and Nick’s UVA Rotunda Charlottesville Engagement session that we just shot in Charlottesville, Virginia at the UVA campus. 

The University of Virginia is absolutely beautiful. The campus is gorgeous. Charlottesville is gorgeous. 

Charlottesville in general is just absolutely gorgeous. The mountains are just breathtaking. It is just one of the most beautiful spots in Virginia but then UVA campus is just undeniably beautiful. So this was a really fun session. 

We decided to drive down the night before and make a little weekend out of this trip, which was absolutely the right call because it was so beautiful and so much fun. But we also haven’t done a session at UVA so we like to go there early and kind of walk around to see what the property is like. So we packed a picnic and took it to the lawn and it was just so beautiful. 

It was absolutely lovely. It was honestly really, really hot during their session, but they were such troopers during the whole thing. I feel like every single location that we chose I loved even more than the last. I could have shot there forever. 

UVA Rotunda and Lawn Engagement Photos

We actually started over near the chapel and there was a wedding just finishing up. I imagine such an amazing place to get married. And then we headed towards the rotunda. We did some at the column hallway just to the side there. Then went up the stairs of the rotunda walked around up there, which was probably my favorite spot. It was so gorgeous. And then came back down and did a few in the lawn before sneaking into one of the several gardens off to the side. 

This is also a session where our couple picked a location that’s really meaningful to them. The two of them actually met at UVA going to pharmacy school. so it is a key part of their relationship. I feel like more and more of our couples are picking spots that are special to them. I just love it. It also allows us to shoot somewhere different and fun. But it also allows our couple to just be really excited about where we are. Something I feel like shows up in the photos.

Stephanie also made a little like prescription pad and brought a bottle of champagne that their realtor got them after buying the first their first house together. Her sister was there and brought their dogs along. So there were a lot of extra things to make this session personal and special and unique.

But again it was definitely super hot and they chose to stay in the same outfit for the whole time. Nick had on a jacket – I kind of felt terrible – but he also looked great so I think it worked out in the end. But they didn’t get a break from the heat or a chance to go inside and cool off in the air conditioning. It was just like a marathon. But they didn’t complain. They were so positive and so lovely. They interacted so adorably together and that’s always the most fun type of session to photograph.

Enjoy a few of our many favorites from this UVA Rotunda Charlottesville Engagement session. 

Congrats you guys.

See other engagement sessions

Grandview Beach Engagement

Richmond Engagement

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a husband and wife photography team based in Richmond, Virginia (though we LOVE to travel!). We hope you enjoy browsing some of our most recent work, reading our tips and tricks for brides, and taking a little peek into our life.  

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