Kylie & Kenny | Engaged

We always love hearing proposals and first date stories from our couples. And for these two, we absolutely loved hearing how they got together. Kylie was working on her student teaching and had to switch the school she was student teaching at. Kenny was at the school that Kylie was switched to, and after just a short while, all of the school administrators were hard at work, trying to get Kylie & Kenny together. They would try to convince Kenny to ask Kylie out, use notes they wrote to try to get the two of them together, and even using the intercom to set them up in a room. Before she ended her student teaching, Kenny finally asked Kylie out and the rest is just history.

These two met us on one of the coldest days (that is before this thanksgiving) of the fall. Though the sun was shining, it didn’t change the feel much. Thankfully these two were brave enough to handle the chill, even when Kylie changed into a beautiful long dress! We met them at Colonial Williamsburg, and though we did hit one or two of our favorite spots, we always find new places to photograph there. Kylie & Kenny hadn’t had photos taken of them before but you wouldn’t have known… They were both full of smiles, laughter, and love! Seriously, these two were so adorable! Congrats Kylie & Kenny, we had such a fun afternoon with you two!


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a husband and wife photography team based in Richmond, Virginia (though we LOVE to travel!). We hope you enjoy browsing some of our most recent work, reading our tips and tricks for brides, and taking a little peek into our life.  

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