The Story of Us – Part I

In starting our new blog, our new website, and our new outlook on our business, we thought we’d start with the beginning.. And introduce ourselves properly.  
We LOVE hearing people’s love stories.  We love the finishing of each other’s sentences, the interrupting (no.. That’s not what happened.. I came up to you first.), the reminiscing, the events that all lined up perfectly so you were able to fall in love.. We just love it.  And since we want to hear your stories, we thought it was only fair we shared ours. 
Part I – Before it was “us” 
Michael has an interesting life story.  He was born in England where he lived for about a year.. Moved to California for another year.  In 1991, moved to Nairobi, Kenya where he stayed until the summer of 2004 (with a year furlough in 1997 in England).  He’s a missionary kid.  A Kenyan.. It’s pretty much all he knew until he was brought.. Maybe dragged is a better word.. to the US when he was 16… a high school junior thousands of miles away from all his friends and everything he knew and loved.
I on the other hand, was born and bred in Richmond, Virginia.  Grew up in the same house my whole life – The house my daddy built.  I loved my elementary school and met my very best friends in middle school.  Then, I was forced to go out of district for high school.  My older sisters both went to Midlothian High, so I too would go be a Trojan.  (Though I went to pretty much every Clover Hill event.. Homecoming, football games.. One time I was actually asked by an old friend why we never had any classes together.. I had to tell her I didn’t actually go to Clover Hill.. She was shocked.)  
The point is, we were both forced to go to our high school.  We weren’t excited about it.  It was something we were made to do.  If it were up to us, we wouldn’t have gone there.  But I’m so glad we did.  Thank you parents for forcing us to go to Midlothian.  Yep, that’s right.  The school we were both forced to go to was one and the same.  In fact, someone found out the new kid might need a ride to school, and since we lived so close they asked me if I wouldn’t mind.  But it never ended up happening.  Turns out, that new kid, Michael, turned me down before he’d even met me.  A year later, in government class, Michael sat behind me. 

we're Michael & Laura


hey friends,

a husband and wife photography team based in Richmond, Virginia (though we LOVE to travel!). We hope you enjoy browsing some of our most recent work, reading our tips and tricks for brides, and taking a little peek into our life.  

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