Maymont Park Maternity – Taralyn & Derek

Maymont Park maternity Session

Today we’re sharing some of the images from a Maymont Park maternity session that we did recently.

It was at Maymont and it’s kind of just the start of us getting back into shooting so really excited about that.

It felt so good to be able to go back out and be with couples. Weird that we couldn’t run up and hug them. But it was nice to be able to go do what we love.
It was a Maymont. It was a maternity session which is kind of fun being that we’re also new parents. That we know this excitement and this process and what they’re going through right now.

Maymont Maternity Session – Expert Parents

I gotta say they asked us for some advice, or some things that surprised us as new parents. It was really fun, that was kinda the first time that we talked through and been the… experts?  Mentors?
Notice the hesitation in our voices as we say that.  We are by no means experts at this parenting thing.  Niles is 6 months now. But it is really fun to kind of walk through with somebody who is going through what we just went through.  So that was fun.

Maymont Maternity Session – Overcast Day

It was a great day too. It wasn’t too hot, I know summer temperatures are picking up now. The light was a little overcast which was great because we can shoot at specific places in Maymont that we love that are a little harder to shoot in sun.
We usually have to kind of work around where the shade is. Maymont has so many beautiful places like the rose garden, the pillars right there are so pretty. But the shadows are always so harsh that we can hardly ever really shoot there. So it was really nice that we had this overcast day where we could shoot places that we don’t normally get to.
Maymont right now is closing it 7pm. You’ve heard us talk a lot about how what we like about the golden hour.  Right before sunset, that’s the best time take photo. So that was the start of that.
We would have been starting at 7pm if we had our ideal times. But it actually worked really well with this overcast day.

Maymont Maternity Session – Taralyn & Derek

Taralyn and Derek are also friends of a past bride and groom of ours. Taralyn was actually one of her bridesmaids. So when we posted that we were headed out to this session.  Mary, our past bride, messaged and was like “oh my gosh they’re gonna be so great. You will have so much fun.” And she was so right. They are such a sweet couple.  We are so excited for them to be parents soon.
I hope you enjoy some of our favorites from this session!
maymont maternity session with floral dress on path and blooming flowers in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity session with floral dress near rock wall in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity session with white dress and blooming flowers in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity session with woman in white dress holding baby bump in Richmond Virginia maymont pregnant mother with flowery dress and blooms in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity session couple wrapped up in each other near roses in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity session couple laughing and holding each other in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity couple with white dress and navy polo kissing in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity couple with white dress and navy polo near flowers in Richmond Virginia maymont maternity couple holding baby bump maymont park mother to be in white dress surrounded by flowers in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity husband and wife walking in flower garden in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity husband and wife kissing in flower garden in Richmond Virginiamaymont park husband and pregnant wife over pergola in Richmond Virginia maymont park husband and wife standing between pillars near rose garden in Richmond Virginiamaymont park maternity couple near stone wall in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity husband and wife laughing in garden in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity wife holding baby bump in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity husband and wife walking and holding each other in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity couple sitting next to fountain in Richmond Virginia maymont park husband and wife sitting next to white stone fountain in Richmond Virginia maymont park husband and pregnant wife sitting on stone rail in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity couple cuddling next to fountain in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity couple standing in open field sharing a kiss Richmond Virginia maymont park husband and wife walking in open field in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity couple walking in open field in black and whitemaymont park maternity woman holding stomach in garden in Richmond Virginia maymont park maternity woman smiling in lavender garden in Richmond Virginia
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we're Michael & Laura


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a husband and wife photography team based in Richmond, Virginia (though we LOVE to travel!). We hope you enjoy browsing some of our most recent work, reading our tips and tricks for brides, and taking a little peek into our life.  

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