Our Practical Baby Registry

*This is not an ad.  None of these are affiliated links, they are just products we have used and love.

A Practical Baby Registry – Our favorite baby items so far

I feel like I need to preface this one with the fact that Niles is only 4 months old.  So we’re still learning and there’s a lot more that I’m sure we will start using from our practical baby registry.

We pretty much don’t know anything.

haha.. but we’ve learned a little bit in 4 months and we thought that we would share. What a lot of people been asking us is what is the stuff that we’ve loved from our registry and what have we been using the most with Niles.

So I’ve kind of broken up by category what we love. So the first is what we liked for his nursery. My favorite thing of all the things we registered for is the Hatch Baby Scale.

It’s like the Cadillac of changing tables.

A “Minimalist” Registry

I should also say before we get going… I really didn’t want a lot of stuff.

We have a small house with 2 bedrooms (trying to make into a 3 bedroom) so we can’t have a lot.

Right.  Also did I just really didn’t want stuff.  I can feel really overwhelmed when there’s a lot of things around me. My sister probably if she is listening would disagree, but she is a super minimalist.  So I’m certainly not a minimalist but I can get overwhelmed easily when there’s things around me.

A Practical Baby Registry

Practical is the word.

Thank you.  You think I’m practical?

You’re very practical.

I hope so. I strive to be. Anyway I really felt very passionate that I didn’t want a lot of baby things and unnecessary stuff. So I  researched a bunch and tried to come up a registry where there was still enough that people felt that they could pick a gift for us but also there wasn’t a lot like unnecessary things. I think we did a fairly good job.

So here they are.. the Baby products we’ve loved. 

Stalk my registry: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/1ZFRX7MGRW375

Our Favorite Baby Products

If you were insterested in more about Niles, and our new life with him, listen to our previous audio blog on Niles’ Birth Story!

Michael & Laura Photography Birth Story blog

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  1. […] to the beach, so that made it easy to come and go as well. If you know us, you know we are pretty minimalistic in our parenting, so it’s not […]

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